Wealth Product

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Our proposition

We are dedicated to providing domestic clients with global asset allocation solutions from the HSBC Group and enabling overseas investors to access the onshore market. We strive to become a key provider of wealth management solutions with a global perspective.

By leveraging HSBC’s global wealth management platform, we possess systematic product development and management capabilities to offer global asset allocation solutions and customised asset management services.

Product introduction

Domestic product

Equity Product

 • Aligned with HSBC global standards/methodology
 • Transparent, innovative quantitative strategy
 • Collaboration between HSBC domestic and global QIS teams

Fixed Income Product

 • Tailored investment solutions
 • HSBC global credit risk rating methodology
 • Rich variety of fixed income assets & products

Overseas product

Structured Product

 • Issuers with selected credit ratings
 • Wide selection of payoffs
 • Underlyings linked to diverse overseas assets

Overseas Fixed Income Product

 • Selected offshore fixed income assets
 • Forex hedging option
 • HSBC global credit risk rating methodology
 • HSBC global fixed income trading platform

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